Casey Calhoun is an assistant gardener at the White House. The First Lady brought her in to make gardening at the White House more organic. While preparing the grounds for the annual Easter Egg Roll she is creating her plan to present to the Grounds Committee regarding her new organic ideas.
Weeding one of the park's gardens, she is attacked from behind and ends up face down in the garden. She notices some broken limbs on a tree while explaining what happened to a Secret Service Agent. She goes over to investigate and discovers a dead woman stuffed into a trash can.
She begins looking into the case and trying to discover the killer. Can she do so without putting herself in danger and not losing her job?
I really enjoyed this book. It is a fun, light cozy read. I have lived in D.C., so I love mysteries set around and in the White House. I hope there will be many more escapades with Casey Calhoun. She's a very likeable character and the other characters make for a believable story. The author did a great job of plotting and setting the scene.
I highly recommend this book!
I also enjoyed this book and can't wait to for the next one.